As a part of the PlayOnside Capacity Building Program and for the long term development of the organization, PlayOnside coach Naing Zaw joined the Wide Horizons Development Program for 10 months in 2019. After attending this course Naing Zaw returned to PlayOnside with new experiences and new knowledge about community development. Wide Horizons is located in Mawlamyine, Myanmar, focusing on English skills, Computer Skills and Community Development. As a part of the course, Naing Zaw was responsible to implement a pilot PlayOnside project in a local community called Mottama, outside Mawlamyine
As a project manager, Naing Zaw was in charge the whole process of survey, budgeting, needs assessment, project implementation and finally a project report. Together with other students from Wide Horizons. Mottama, the local community where the project was is a diverse community with different, social, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Prior to the implementation the students conducted a survey to get an overview of the challenges faced by the community.
Mottama, like most poor rural communities in southwestern Myanmar, face different challenges. Poverty, low enrollment rate in schools for children, and subject to natural disasters like flooding are particular challenges faced by Mottama, uncovered by the student survey. When approaching the community, the students also uncovered the lack of appreciation of the benefit of learning through play, and especially considering the gender perspective. Thus, the student designed a project based on playful learning and inclusivity, for all.
More than hundred boys and girls participated in the eight days project led by Naing Zaw and the other students in the project group. The focus objectives where environmental awareness, social cohesion and English. Prior to the project implementation it was important to engage the local leaders and parents of the children. Due to the skepticism from the parents regarding the learning output of the project, it was essential to involve them in both the process and project implementation. Through this community involvement, the parent’s skepticism was overcome, and after the project several parents expressed their satisfaction about it, and requested more trainings in the future. The collaboration between Wide Horizons and PlayOnside has been very beneficiary for both our colleague Naing Zaw and for PlayOnside as an organization. We hope more of our local role-models will follow in Naing Zaw’s footsteps, and apply for the Wide Horizons program in the future.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs, set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and intended to be achieved by the year 2030.