Minmahaw School is a boarding school based in Mae Sot. The school offers intensive English immersion programs for disadvantaged Burmese aged between 17 and 23 years old that have completed compulsory aged education and have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to studies and leadership. Originally, (in 2007) the school was established with a single purpose – to prepare students to attend Tertiary Institutions and the students were the children/grandchildren of political prisoners. Minmahaw worked then and still works now on the principle of Intensive English Language immersion and all lessons and conversations during school hours are in English.
Minmahaw School participated in the PlayOnside Rainy Season Tournament in 2017, and PlayOnside has tight bonds with the school, as parts of our staff has been former students or teachers at the school. When we were invited to be a part of the school curriculum through their vocational training program, it was very easy for PlayOnside to accept the invitation.
We are very impressed by the level of both English and critical thinking of the students, and the students have given us valuable feedback about our program.
The lack of higher educational opportunities both in Burma and along the border for Burmese students, are a big issue. Minmahaw is filling this educational gap in an inspiriring way, giving opportunities to adolescents showing great motivation and commitment.
For PlayOnside this project has been very successful, and we look forward to explore and enhance our cooperation with Minmahaw School in the coming years. Already in March 2018 we are planning on another collaborative cross-border project with former Minmahaw students. Updates about this project will follow on our web page and social media pages.
Over the course of 10 weeks in the first semester of 2017, and 10 weeks of the second semester in 2018, we have presented our program, and had great lessons and discussion about how sports in general and football in particular can have a positive impact on individuals and local communities. From PlayOnside, Javier, Pyae Sone, Zin Min Naing and Ole have participated in the vocational training, and it has been a great learning experience for PlayOnside.